Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Review: Catching Fire

Author: Suzanne Collins
Genre: Fantasy / Science Fiction
Published: 2009

Summary: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the annual competition described in Hunger Games, but the aftermath leaves these victors with no sense of triumph. Instead, they have become the poster boys for a rebellion that they never planned to lead. That new, unwanted status puts them in the bull's-eye for merciless revenge by The Capitol. Catching Fire maintains the adrenaline rush of Suzanne Collins's series launch.

My Thoughts:
In the second installment of the Hunger Games, Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, the plot thickens and blood still pours. In certain aspects this sequel somewhat resembled its predecessor in terms of how the story played out, but in my opinion that's not a bad thing. Suzanna Collins adds just the right touch of everything to make this one just as engaging as the first.

In Catching Fire things become real serious, real fast. Threats are issued, fear becomes overwhelming, romance becomes complicated and the battle for survival is ever present. The number one thing I loved the most about this book was the political struggle. I eat that stuff up. In The Hunger Games there was a hint of this, especially near the end, but in this one it's more apparent as the idea of rebellion are catching fire. Katniss has not lived long in her victors home with her family, before her stunt in the arena brings on consequences from the Capitol. She realizes that even though she has left the arena, the games are not yet truly finished. Dun.. dun.. DUNNNN!

The plot becomes a lot more intricate in this one, mainly because, as I said before, politics are involved. When politics are involved nothing is ever simple and no one can ever be trusted. I really liked the story and the struggles each character went through. And there were quite a few new characters added and all were pretty believable. There were some really nice twists and the whole way through it kept me wondering if there is something else going on than what Katniss believes is happening. As in the previous book, the dialogue is spot on and so convincing, a lot of the time I was even laughing out loud, and so I'm not disappointed there because I love dialogue.

As sequels go this one did not let me down. Everything I loved from The Hunger Games was brought back and just as convincing and exciting as ever. I could really feel for these characters and shared in their fear, sorrow and joy. Catching Fire is a delight to read.

My Rating: 5/5

Recommend It For: People who enjoy great Young Adult literature.

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